For the 2020 Boyne Tannum HookUp as well as there being the “GT Fly Fishing Category” that was introduced in 2019 there will also be new separate fly fishing categories for both seniors and juniors for flathead, yellowfin bream, whiting, grunter, fingermark and barramundi.
If you want to enter fish into these new fly fishing categories the fish will have to be legal size and be caught using a fly rod, fly line and flies and you will need to submit the photographic evidence as set out in the competition rules … so read them carefully.
Flathead Yellowfin bream Whiting Grunter Fingermark Barramundi
As a Top 100 supporter of BTHU I have been asked to provide a number of blogs providing information that may help you catch these iconic species on fly.
Before we go too far I just want to put it out there that my blogs are a reflection of part of my fly fishing journey. Don’t take them as gospel but do feel free to use them as a foundation in developing your own abilities to catch these fish on fly.