The following 16 fish species are the only species eligible for weigh-in at the Boyne Tannum HookUp Fishing Competition:
Non-Live Species | Live Species |
Red Emperor | Live Whiting |
Snapper | Live Fingermark (Golden Snapper) |
Red Throat Emperor (Sweetlip) | Live Mangrove Jack |
Spanish Mackerel | Live Yellowfin Bream or Live Pikey Bream |
Cobia (Black Kingfish) | *Live Flathead |
Coral Trout | *Live Grunter |
Largemouth Nannygai | *Live Barramundi |
Black Jewfish | *Live Salmon (Blue Threadfin & King Threadfin) |
Click here to learn more about the Fishing Competition Categories.
All fish species are as per the Queensland Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website fish species guide

Live Whiting
• Creamy yellow upper part; silvery on lower part
• No spots or blotches on body
• Cheeks have conspicuous yellow blotch
• First dorsal spine is white at base

Live Fingermark Golden Snapper
- Body has bronze to silvery sheen, shading to silvery white on belly and underside of head
- Back has round black spot/saddle that is larger than the eye
- Back has round black spot/saddle that is larger than the eye
- Scales have reddish-brown spot often in centre of each scales, giving an overall appearance of horizontal lines on the body

Live Mangrove Jack
- Back and sides are greenish-brown to reddish
- Long snout
- Belly is slightly red to bronze with white edges on scales
- Sides of juveniles have a series of about eight whitish bars
- One or two blue lines on the cheeks of juveniles
- Long canine teeth

Live Yellowfin Bream
- Silvery bronze body
- Pelvic, anal and ventral part of caudal fins (particularly the spines and soft rays) are yellowish and whitish, sometimes with black areas
- Lateral line with dark blotch at origin
- Pectoral fins have a dark spot at upper base

Live Pikey Bream
- Grey sides and fins
- Dorsal and anal fins have very stout spines
- Usually 20-30cm in length, maximum size around 60cm

Live Flathead (Catch & Release)
• The top of the head and body is whitish and covered with small brown flecks; may have several indistinct dark bands across back
• Dorsal, pectoral and pelvic fins have small brown spots on rays
• The caudal fin has two or three horizontal dark bars, a prominent yellow blotch near the middle fin, whitish areas in upper lobe and lower margin

Live Grunter (Catch & Release)
- Adults have golden-green back, silvery belly with traces of brown vertical bars present only when alive
- Head is slightly convex
- Dorsal fins are spinous with spots indistinct or absent and a deep notch between the first and second
- Juveniles have brilliant silvery green back, golden silver sides, silvery white belly and 12 more faint vertical bars
- Lower tip of the caudal fin on juveniles is white

Live Barramundi (Catch & Release)
- Silver, olive-grey or grey-blue black
- Brown to golden eyes with bright red reflective glow
- No markings on fins
- Juveniles are brown to greyish brown with three white stripes on the head and scattered white patches on the sides

Salmon King Threadfin (Catch & Release)
- Bluish-silver back, whitish belly (during some seasons the belly surface is flushed with yellow)
- Dorsal, anal and caudal fins are blackish
- Pectoral fins, pelvic fins and pectoral filaments are whitish and yellow.

Salmon Blue Threadfin (Catch & Release)
- Back and head are silvery green or silvery blue, and silvery white or yellowish white in older fish
- Fins are grey and may have yellow or orange tinge
- 4 pectoral filaments are white or creamy

Red Emperor
- Juveniles and young adults have broad dark red bands which cover the point from top of spiny dorsal fin onwards
- Bars fade with age and fish become pink-red all over
- Dark edges with fine white margin may still be visible on dorsal, anal and top and bottom of tail fins
- Each scale carries a white dot

- Head and upper body are red-brown
- Sides and belly are silvery
- Upper sides have numerous small bright blue spots especially prominent in juveniles
- Fins are red or faint red
- Caudal fin has white lower margin

Redthroat Emperor Sweetlip
- Bright red to orange coloration on spiny dorsal fin, base of pectoral fin, around eye and inside mouth

Spanish Mackerel
- Numerous thin, wavy vertical bands on body (number of bars increases from as few as 20 in a 40 cm specimen, to as many as 65 in a 150 cm specimen)
- Iridescent blue-grey back
- Silver sides with bluish reflections; juveniles frequently spotted

Cobia Black Kingfish
- Back and sides dark brown
- Two sharply defined narrow silvery bands (not as prominent in dead specimens)
- Yellowish belly
- First dorsal fin has seven to nine (usually right) short but strong isolated spines, not connected by a membrane

Coral Trout
- Covered in a profusion of small blue dots over body and all fins except pectoral fins
- Transparent pectoral fins
- Distinctive blue ring around the eye

Largemouth Nannygai
- Crimson all over
- Dark saddle blotch becomes less distinct with age
- Different from crimson snapper (small-mouth Nannygai) in having a bigger mouth

Black Jewfish
- Grow to around 45kg and 1.5 metres long
- Slight inward curve on forehead
- Small black spots on the upper half of the body
- Do not have a black spot at the base of the pectoral fins