The prizes will be randomly drawn and the winner’s name will appear on the screen along with the twominute countdown. “You don’t need to run down the grass parklands to the stage to claim your prize, instead you’ll just be sitting at home watching,” she said. Prize winners will be contacted and arrangements will be […]
HookUp goes virtual for 2020
The Boyne Tannum HookUp management committee are delighted to announce that with the support of the State Government Member for Gladstone Glenn Butcher the 25th HookUp is going to be celebrated. The revised format will embrace technology to meet the Covid-19 requirements of the Federal Government and Chief Medical Officer’s advice that non-essential gatherings of […]
He’s hooked on restoration
It’s been a labour of love for two years but in a matter of weeks Andrew Davis will place his pet project in the water. The Boyne Tannum HookUp vice-president and GPC employee has spent the past two years reviving a 30ft (9.1m) Powercat which was salvaged from the Boyne River after it flipped following […]
HookUp Dates
The 2020 Boyne Tannum HookUp has been confirmed for May 1-3 next year. The Queensland Labour Day holiday will fall on May 4. Meanwhile, the Boyne Tannum HookUp AGM is set for September 3 at the Volunteer Marine Rescue Gladstone training room. All positions have been declared open. Anyone who wants to nominate for a […]
Top weather gone for now
This past week has seen some of the best weather consistently day after day for quite some time, and it appears to be gone until mid-next week when we should see the seas drop right off and the breeze abate to below 10 knots. With the new moon happening on Tuesday night the lead up […]
HookUp stats are revealed
The numbers have been crunched and they have revealed some interesting statistics from the 2019 Boyne Tannum HookUp. Positive feedback for the May 3-5 fishing competition wasalmostunanimouswith86 per cent of almost 500 survey participants indicating they would recommend the event, while 58% of those surveyed scored the event a perfect 10. A whopping 80% of […]